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Repairing Ruptures:  How Apologizing Helps Our Kids Thrive

Repairing Ruptures: How Apologizing Helps Our Kids Thrive

"Repairing ruptures is the most essential thing in parenting."   Dr. Dan Siegel  As parents, we've all had those moments where we’ve reacted in a way we regretted with our children. Maybe we: 🤯  yelled harshly because one of our kids hit the other one ;...

Seven Playful Ways to End Mealtime Battles

Seven Playful Ways to End Mealtime Battles

You've spent the last hour preparing a nutritious meal, only to be met with wrinkled noses and protests from your children. Sound familiar? You're not alone! For many families, the dinner table often becomes a battleground where power struggles ensue, and patience...

The Surprising Truth about Kids and Divorce

The Surprising Truth about Kids and Divorce

Let's debunk a common myth: divorce doesn't have to define your children's future. It's normal and healthy for everyone in the family to experience strong feelings when parents separate. But research shows that with the right support, children can actually thrive in...