When I first started working with Julie, I was dealing with whining, fighting between my two daughters (3 & 7), and losing my temper. It seemed like chaos was the status quo, and I wasn’t sure how to sustain harmony, a sense of safety, and peace of mind. I needed a set of tools (or new habits) that were easy to remember and readily applicable.
I’m not sure I can put a price on the new sets of skills and habits that our family gained, but now I feel more capable to deal with whatever emotions come our way. My relationship with my girls is calmer, there is considerably less shouting, and I feel so much more positive about myself as a parent.
I appreciate that Julie really saw me. She shared her own experiences as a parent (which helped me to judge myself less), gave dignity to my parenting issues, and provided real solutions to my problems by inviting me to schedule time for myself, time for each of my daughters, and to use strategies to diffuse situations that could easily spin out of control and leave resentment and anger.
THANK YOU Julie, for turning my life around in such positive ways!