End Back Talk, Bickering, Aggression and Have the Relationship with Your Child You Always Wanted.
When school starts again, lots of feelings can surface for everyone. Transitions can be trying for kids and parents alike.
Kids may be nervous or anxious about heading to school or daycare.
After a long day of school rules and missing home, kids can be grumpy and uncooperative.
Even the best teachers can’t offer the constant support each student needs when the classroom is full.
And for parents, trying to get your kids out the door in the morning often means:
And frankly, afternoons and evenings are not always any easier:
Finally you lose your cool and say things you didn’t mean to say. You’re a dedicated parent; you love your kid, but you long for easier days where everything doesn’t have to be a battle.
Join me for my next six-week class, From Conflict to Cooperation, where you’ll get the tools you need to help your child be more cooperative and less whiny and aggressive. And you’ll get the support you need to manage your own anger and frustrations so that you can be more playful, loving, and less stressed.
In From Conflict to Cooperation you’ll discover:
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From Conflict to Cooperation will give you the attention and support you deserve so that you can reduce the daily conflicts and have the relationship with your child you’ve always wanted.
These classes are run regularly so please sign up to my newsletter to hear about when the next class is launching.