The Calm & Confident Parent Success Formula
The Ultimate Blueprint for Eliminating Tantrums, Meltdowns,
and Guilt and Becoming the Parent You Were Meant to Be!
Hey there parents,
You’re working hard to parent your child…I know it’s not easy. The hard work you do deserves so much appreciation and respect.
After a long day of power struggles, tantrums, and time outs, you’re faced with your own impatience, worry, and frustration.
Perhaps you go to bed feeling exhausted and defeated. You’re ashamed of how you grabbed too hard when your child refused to get in the car seat or you lost your temper when your kid pushed his little sister.
No one told you how hard this would be.
You do everything you can, but your child is still uncooperative, and you feel like you’re falling short of being the parent you want to be.
What keeps you from having an easy and cooperative relationship with your kid—one where you can stay calm and confident, even when things get chaotic?
Sometimes our children ask for attention in the most frustrating ways. If only they would say, “I’m having a hard time and I need some help.”
But instead, they act out—they hit, yell, and bite. They grab the red bowl from their brother when it’s time for breakfast, they don’t settle down when it’s time for bed.
Our children’s behavior triggers us and we have knee jerk reactions to it.
We yell, we say things we regret, and we become the parent we never wanted to be. I call this the yell-shame-regret cycle.
And we don’t know how to fix the problem. We don’t have a road map for how to be a better parent.
We want to do things differently than our parents did.
But no matter how hard we try, we repeat their patterns. We say the same things our parents said to us. We lose our temper. Sometimes we’re even mean.
We shame
We blame
We make threats
We give time outs
We yell
We dish out rewards and consequences
But none of that works…
We end up right where we started—exhausted, anxious, and frustrated.
You may be trying hard to be the mature one and not engage with your kid’s back talk.
Perhaps you try not to explode, but it’s tiring to white knuckle it day after day…
And when you fail, you really fail.
You lose your cool and your sanity goes out the window.
The vicious cycle of guilt, shame, and regret kicks in.
You resolve to do better next time, but the same thing happens again and again.
The cost of butting heads with your kid is huge.
A child who is terrified of water at five and never gets the support they need to work through that fear can later miss out on enriching experiences and social opportunities when they’re an adolescent.
They want to go to the lake with their friends, but learning to swim never got off to a good start, so they stay home alone.
They may avoid the opportunities later in life that help them stretch, grow, and reach their full potential.
A child’s anger and aggression that goes unchecked can lead to deeper problems in adulthood, limiting their ability to find love and maintain healthy relationships.
First, you need to know, this isn’t your fault.
So many parents are feeling challenged by their kid… and by their parenting. Most see the gap between the parent they are and who they wish they could be.
I know this firstland, because I was there twelve years ago. When my son was born, my stepdaughter, who was five at the time, had huge tantrums.
It seemed like every little thing set her off. Interactions quickly turned to power struggles.
Even though I had worked with kids for many years, I was at a loss as to how to handle her fiery upsets.
I tried so hard to be patient, but I found myself losing my cool, yelling, and saying things I regretted. I felt like a terrible stepmom. I was angry, resentful, and ashamed.
But once I developed The Calm & Confident Parent Formula that I teach today, everything changed. I found a healthy way to set boundaries and keep them.
I finally knew what to do with my stepdaughter’s anger, frustration, and sadness.
I learned how to use play and laughter and one-on-one time to heal the pain she was going through as a child of divorce who was shuffled between two homes.
And I discovered how to alleviate her tears and tantrums without coming undone myself.
Since then, I’ve helped many parents with parenting challenges ranging from aggression, defiance, and multiple tantrums a day. I help them become calm, confident parents who have greater cooperation and connection with their kids.
The good news is, with the right tool set, strategies, and support you can minimize your kid’s meltdowns and difficult behavior and—and get them to listen and cooperate—without power struggles.
And you can transform the way you’re responding to them too, ending the yell-shame-regret cycle.
You can learn to communicate and connect with your child in a way that brings out the best in them–and the best in you!
The Calm & Confident Parent Formula helps parents build a strong emotional bond with their kid with proven strategies that help your child become more cooperative, compassionate, and resilient.
Your child following directions without bribes, rewards, or punishment (because that’s not working anyway).
Being able to relax when you take your children to a friend’s house or your in-laws, knowing they’ll get along with the other children there and they won’t upset the relatives.
Having just the right strategies to handle tears, tantrums, and other infuriating behaviors so you feel close and loving with your little one rather than angry and miserable at the end of the day.
Climbing into bed at night so proud of who your “baby” is becoming, and proud of the parent that you are!

When we reached out to Julie in 2016, we were at a crisis point with our daughter’s hitting and aggression. I was no longer enjoying parenting, and I was very concerned about our daughter starting school for the first time in September.
Friends and family were beginning to avoid us, and l had completely lost faith in my abilities to parent properly. By sharing our experiences and listening to Julie’s advice, we slowly put into place The Calm & Confident Parent Formula.
I can honestly say that it was the best money I’ve ever invested in our family. I now finally have the relationship with my daughter that I always dreamt of. Thank you, Julie, for your wisdom, patience, and compassion. I only wish I’d found you sooner.
Julie, your work supporting parents is incredibly inspiring! When I came to your summer class, I was struggling with how to really connect and play with my daughter.
Your guidance helped my daughter and I feel closer to one another in a totally manageable way, and I couldn’t have done it without your support. The return on my investment was 100%. More than I could have asked for.
Parenting doesn’t have to be so hard.
And you don’t have to choose between Loving Parent and Bad Cop.
It’s easier and faster than you think.
Knowing exactly what to say and do with tantrums, aggressions, and back talk so that conflict is resolved peacefully.
Going to family events and outings knowing that your child will be calm and cooperative—no more challenging behavior from your little one or dirty looks from friends and family.
Having a simple connection strategy to stop defiance, tantrums, and other challenging behaviors when they start and even prevent them before they happen.
Going through your day with more hugs, smiles, and laughter, and fewer fights, tears, and tantrums.
Having family meals where your kid eats what’s on their plate without a fuss, and you can relax and enjoy mealtime.
Seeing your kid cheerful and relaxed in the mornings, getting dressed without a struggle. In the evenings, your kid is cooperative and cuddly; they’re ready for bed without a fight.
Having a kid who follows directions without bribes, rewards, or punishment. When they ask for one more book at bedtime or they want to wear the same dinosaur shirt day after day, you know how to set a limit without creating chaos.
Learning powerful tools to help you manage your own emotional triggers and transform anger and resentment to an inner calm and confidence.
Finally feeling good about the parent you are becoming, and the person your kid is turning out to be!
That’s exactly what will happen with the Calm & Confident Parent Success Formula
This Formula gives you the tools and strategies to bring out the best in your child and in yourself.
You’ll create the connection and cooperation you’ve been wanting.
In this group coaching program, you’ll discover:
The underlying behaviors behind your kid’s meltdowns and tantrums, whether it’s their refusal to take a bath, eat their oatmeal, or go to bed.
How to set boundaries and say no without shaming and blaming, so you can confidently guide your kid from difficult and uncooperative, to calm, cooperative and eventually more autonomous.
How to manage your own emotional triggers so you can respond to your child’s upset in a confident and clear way—instead of overreacting or yelling in the heat of the moment.
How to get your kid to listen and cooperate when they refuse to do what you ask them. You’ll know exactly how to end power struggles and feel closer and more connected to your child.
Here’s How the Program Works:
We’ll take a 90-day journey that will help your child go from defiant and difficult to responsive and cooperative. And you’ll go from being at your wits end to becoming the calm and confident parent you were meant to be.
The program starts Friday March 18th. We’ll meet the second, third, and fourth Fridays of each month. The fourth Friday will be a time to rest and integrate the tools you’re learning. All the calls will be recorded so you won’t miss a thing!
Here’s what we’ll cover:

Module 1: Creating Your Happy Family Vision
You’ll create your big vision for exactly how you’d like your family life to look. This will help you set clear intentions, connect to your “why,” and increase your ability to turn your vision into a reality. You’ll assess the challenge spots and emotional triggers that we’ll work on transforming during our 90 days together.

Module 2: Understanding and Minimizing Tears, Tantrums, and Other Troubling Behaviors
You’ll learn the latest brain science behind why kids have tears, tantrums, and other difficult behaviors so you can get to the root of the issue and prevent future meltdowns. You’ll also discover several important tools to diffuse conflict and outbursts—including what to say and do when your child is upset, and how to build connection on a regular basis to ward of difficult behavior.

Module 3: From Chaos to Cooperation: How to Set Limits Without Yelling or Threatening Time Outs
You’ll learn a 3-step system for setting limits in a calm but firm way. You’ll discover why rewards and consequences don’t work, and what to do instead. You’ll have the tools you need to eliminate tantrums, power struggles, and aggression so you can have the easy, loving relationship with your child you’ve always wanted.

Module 4: The Healing Power of Play and Laughter
You’ll discover why play with laughter is a powerful way to end power struggles and turn challenging times into connected and compassionate moments. You’ll also discover how to use laughter to reduce tension, heal fears, and build your child’s self-esteem and resilience.

Module 5: The Confident Parent Techniques
You’ll discover tools for managing your own emotional triggers, including how to de-escalate your anger in the moment and stay calm and self-assured in the chaos of unexpected emotional upsets and setbacks.

Module 6: Heal the Past & Break Old Patterns
You’ll start healing the past and clearing away the blocks that stand in the way of you having a great relationship with your child. You’ll learn tools to help you release past and present patterns, so you can step into new, positive ways of relating to your child.

BONUS Module 7: Staying Connected —
Even through Hard Times
You’ll discover how to navigate the various ages and stages—even when there are setbacks and unexpected bumps in the road. You’ll learn how to stay connected and avoid backsliding into old patterns and habits, how to repair trust and communication when things have gone awry and specific strategies and scripts to solve sibling conflicts during hard times.
Now is the time to take action before you your kid’s behaviors are deeply entrenched.
It’s time to become the parent you are meant to be!
Let’s do this!
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