The Calm & Confident Parent Blueprint
The ultimate program to go from stressed out and reactive to calm and confident–so you can become the parent you want to be.
Isn’t it time to change your parenting strategy from the inside out?
Calm & resilient parents create calm and resilient kids.
But it all starts with YOU!
Do you want the strategies, tools and support to help you stop yelling at your kids and manage their challenging behaviors in a calm, but firm way?
Are you ready to join a community of focused and dedicated parents who are on the same journey?
Parenting is hard! We’re constantly triggered by what our children say and do.
And when we get triggered, we yell, we say things we regret, and we act like the parent we don’t want to be. It’s hard to control our emotions at times, let alone our children’s!
You may find that no matter how hard you try, you repeat old patterns. You lose your temper. You shame, you blame, you make threats, or dole out rewards and consequences.
But none of that works…
First, you need to know, this isn’t your fault. Parenting is challenging without the right tools, strategies, and support!
And none of us were given a playbook for parenting!
Does this sound familiar?
You lose your temper because your kid won't stop throwing things.
You’re as patient as possible and then *Boom*, you explode.
You yell things that you wish you could take back.
Parenting doesn’t have to be this hard!
You can be the calm, confident parent you want to be.
Imagine a reality where:
You manage your anger and upset and reduce your emotional triggers.
You know how to repair your relationship and restore trust, safety, and communication with your child after an angry moment.
You can identify and release your old stories and emotional patterns and become less reactive and more proactive with your kids.
You become more empathic and caring towards yourself so you can be present and support your kids when they’re hurting (instead of being angry or overwhelmed by their emotions).
You are supported by an experienced expert and from like-minded parents who are on the same journey (no more feeling so alone in this!)

Introducing The Calm and Confident Parent Blueprint
A program that will help you gain the tools to become a calm and confident parent. You’ll learn to manage your emotional triggers and become more patient and resilient. You’ll also inspire greater connection with and cooperation from your kids. We provide all of the high touch coaching, accountability, and support you need to make this happen.
What’s so different about The Calm and Confident Parent?
We will focus on You, rather than on your child. Because you can use every tool in the book, but if you’re not changing, neither will your child.
We will focus on giving you the skills and tools it takes to manage your emotional triggers and diffuse difficult emotions so you can respond and communicate calmly and proactively.
Most parenting programs focus only on tools and strategies to change the child’s behavior. I offer those tools too, but this program is focused on you.
Because as you shift, your child will begin to respond more positively.

Client Testimonials
When I first started working with Julie, I was dealing with whining, fighting between my two daughters (3 & 7), and losing my temper. It seemed like chaos was the status quo, and I wasn’t sure how to sustain harmony, a sense of safety, and peace of mind. I needed a set of tools (or new habits) that were easy to remember and readily applicable.
I now feel more capable to deal with whatever emotions come our way. My relationship with my girls is calmer, there is considerably less shouting, and I feel so much more positive about myself as a parent.
I appreciate that Julie really saw me. She shared her own experiences as a parent (which helped me to judge myself less), gave dignity to my parenting issues, and provided real solutions to my problems by inviting me to schedule time for myself, time for each of my daughters, and to use strategies to diffuse situations that could easily spin out of control and leave resentment and anger.
Thank you Julie, for turning my life around in such a positive way!
Julie’s course was my first introduction to Parenting by Connection and it changed my life! The material and exercises changed the way I parent, helping me give myself permission to slow down, be present to hold my son’s emotions, and respond in a calmer and more loving way. They have also changed the way I listen to people in general! Thank you, Julie!
Here’s what we’ll cover in The Calm & Confident Parent
MODULE 1: Create Your Happy Family Life by Design—Not Default
Self-awareness, clarity, and vision are key to creating a happy family life. You’ll create your vision for the specific outcome you would like for yourself and your family. What would your life look like if you had an amazing connection with your child and if things were easier? This will be your north star that inspires you to take consistent action during our time together, so you can make key steps to start turning your current situation into a new reality.
MODULE 2: From Chaos to Cooperation – How to Set Limits and Minimize Tears and Tantrums
Discover my signature 3-step system for setting limits with your child in a calm and confident way. Learn several key tools that diffuse conflict and outbursts—including what to say and do when your child is distressed and how to get to the root of your child’s upset, so you can quickly resolve it and restore your child to a place of calm.
MODULE 3: Understanding Emotions & Triggers of Yourself & Your Child
Learn what is happening in your own brain and your child’s brain when you are both upset. Identify what your emotional triggers are and where they come from so you can understand the root cause of your emotions and behaviors. You’ll become more aware of your emotional responses and learn how to manage them in a healthier way. This can help you avoid overreacting or engaging in negative behaviors that can damage your relationship with your child. Discover how emotions work as guide posts showing you what needs your attention, what needs to be honored, and what boundaries need to be set.
MODULE 4: Tools & Strategies for Releasing Anger, Frustration, & Shame
Learn powerful strategies to manage your anger in the moment when you’re losing your cool, so you can be calmer and more in control. Discover how to reduce your anger and frustration over time so you’ll experience more joy and less stress in your parenting. You’ll learn EFT Tapping, breathwork, and other powerful ways to release anger and frustration.
MODULE 5: Develop Compassion for Yourself and Your Child: Reconnect & Repair In Difficult Times
When we lose it with our child, we’re often flooded with guilt and shame about how we reacted. Learn how to stop the Blame–Shame–Guilt cycle so you’ll be calmer, more compassionate, and more loving with yourself and your child. Discover the parts of you that you “put away” when you were younger and how they get triggered when your child misbehaves. Learn how to bring compassion to these parts of your so that you can have greater empathy for your child. Learn exactly what to say in the aftermath of an upset so that you can repair and reconnect with your child.
MODULE 6: From Isolation to Connection – The Right Support to Thrive
Parenting can feel lonely, even with supportive friends and family members—especially when loved ones don’t understand your unique challenges. You’ll identify your needs and desires for community and discover the value of support from others.
Connect with other parents through a powerful technique called the listening partnership. You’ll reduce the stress and anxiety of parenting, find solutions from within, and gain insights into your behaviors and emotions. Experience a safe and supportive space for self-reflection and mutual support.

Here’s what is included in The Calm & Confident Parent Blueprint
One 60-minute jumpstart Bonus Deep Dive Training on The Taming Tantrums Toolkit and the Prevention Through Play Formula. You'll have strategies to use right away to reduce your child’s meltdowns and increase cooperation and connection.
6 weekly Zoom training and group coaching calls starting May 25th, 2023.
Handouts to help you transform your emotional triggers, track your progress, and celebrate wins so you can build on the success.
Action steps that help you implement the strategies you’ll learn and create massive shifts in your parenting and emotional well being.
Bonus: Script Bundle ($297 Value)
- The Tame Your Child’s Tantrums Script: Powerful one-liners that will help you manage a meltdown.
- The Sibling Struggles Script: What to say when one child hurts another so you don’t add fuel to the fire.
- The Repair and Reconnect Script: How to repair and reconnect with your child after you’ve lost control.
- The Anger and Aggression Script: What to say when your child hits, kicks, or comes undone to stop their behavior.
- Affirmations to increase your confidence as a parent.
Six months from now you could either be stuck in the same place feeling angry, frustrated, and ashamed, or you could have the strategies, tools, and support you need for a calmer, closer, and more connected relationship with your child.
The ball is in your court. You can choose to release stuck emotions, heal old patterns, and transform how you feel and respond as a parent, positively impacting your child’s behavior, or you can stay in the same place you’ve been for months.
I’m ready to be a calm and confident parent!
FAST ACTION BONUS for the first 6 who enroll:
Private One-to-One 45-Minute Coaching Session With Julie Johnson
($175 Value—Yours FREE!)
To join us, please choose the best option for you below. There is a one-time payment, or a payment plan split over two months.
Pay in full and save $53
One-time payment